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(This page is not being updated anymore -- for more recent publications, please visit tltl.stanford.edu/publications)

Towards the Identification of Emergent Strategies for Interdependent Collaboration in Complex Tasks. (CSCL 2011)

Greene, D. and Blikstein, P. (2011). Towards the Identification of Emergent Strategies for Interdependent Collaboration in Complex Tasks. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011), Hong Kong.


OpenGesture: a Low-Cost Authoring Framework for Gesture and Speech Based Application Development and Learning Analytics (IDC 2011)

Worsley, M., Johnston, M., & Wilensky, U. (2011). OpenGesture: a Low-Cost Authoring Framework for Gesture and Speech Based Application Development and Learning Analytics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC), Ann Arbor, Michigan. [PDF]


LightUp: A Low-Cost, Multi-Age Toolkit for Learning and Prototyping Electronics (IDC 2011)

Asgar, Z., Liu, C., Chan, J. & Blikstein, P. (2011). LightUp: A Low-Cost, Multi-Age Toolkit for Learning and Prototyping Electronics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC), Ann Arbor, Michigan. [PDF]


QWERTY and The Art of Designing Microcontrollers for Children. (IDC 2011)

Blikstein, P., & Sipitakiat, S. (2011). QWERTY and The Art of Designing Microcontrollers for Children. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC), Ann Arbor, Michigan. [PDF]


Collaboration Through Documentation: Automated Capturing of Tangible Constructions to Support Engineering Design. (IDC 2011)

Tseng, T., Bryant, C., and Blikstein, P. (2011). Collaboration Through Documentation: Automated Capturing of Tangible Constructions to Support Engineering Design. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC), Ann Arbor, Michigan. [PDF]


Using learning analytics to assess students' behavior in open-ended programming tasks (LAK 2011)

Blikstein, P. (2011). Using learning analytics to assess students' behavior in open-ended programming tasks. Proceedings of the I Learning Analytics Knowledge Conference (LAK 2011), Banff, Canada.


Mechanix: an interactive display for exploring engineering design through a tangible interface (TEI 2011)

Tiffany Tseng, Coram Bryant, & Paulo Blikstein. (2011) Mechanix: an interactive display for exploring engineering design through a tangible interface. Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction (IDC 2011), Madeira, Portugal. [PDF]


A New Age in Digital Tangible Interfaces for Learning. (ICLS 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010) [symposium organizer and chair]. A New Age in Digital Tangible Interfaces for Learning. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS).


Programmable robotics and environmental sensing for low-income populations: design principles, impact, and technology (ICLS 2010)

Sipitakiat, A. & Blikstein, P. (2010). Programmable robotics and environmental sensing for low-income populations: design principles, impact, and technology. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010). University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, IL.


Connecting the science classroom and tangible interfaces: the Bifocal Modeling framework (ICLS 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). Connecting the science classroom and tangible interfaces: the Bifocal Modeling framework. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010). University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, IL.


Using Agent-Based Computer Modeling to simulate the use of multiple epistemological resources in the classroom (CogSci 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). Using Agent-Based Computer Modeling to simulate the use of multiple epistemological resources in the classroom. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (abstracts), Portland, OR.


The Treachery of Representation: The cognitive impact of exposed representational elements in students' explanations of complex scientific phenomena (ASEE 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). The Treachery of Representation: The cognitive impact of exposed representational elements in students' explanations of complex scientific phenomena. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (ASEE 2010), Louisville, KY.


A New Age in Digital Tangible Interfaces for Learning. (ICLS 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010) [symposium organizer and chair]. A New Age in Digital Tangible Interfaces for Learning. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010). University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, IL.


Think globally, build locally: a technological platform for low-cost, open-source, locally-assembled programmable bricks for education. (TEI 2010)

Sipitakiat, A., & Blikstein, P. (2010). Think globally, build locally: a technological platform for low-cost, open-source, locally-assembled programmable bricks for education. Presented at the Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction TEI 2010, Cambridge, USA.


Data Mining Automated Logs of Students' Interactions with a Programming Environment: A New Methodological Tool for the Assessment of Constructionist Learning (AERA 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). Data Mining Automated Logs of Students' Interactions with a Programming Environment: A New Methodological Tool for the Assessment of Constructionist Learning. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference (AERA 2010), Denver, CO.


Can non-intelligent behavior generate intelligence? Multi-agent computational modeling as a theory-building tool in developmental psychology and education research (JPS 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). Can non-intelligent behavior generate intelligence? Multi-agent computational modeling as a theory-building tool in developmental psychology and education research. Jean Piaget Society Annual Conference (JPS 2010), Saint Louis, MO.


Think globally, build locally: a technological platform for low-cost, open-source, locally-assembled programmable bricks for education. (TEI 2010)

Sipitakiat, A., & Blikstein, P. (2010). Think globally, build locally: a technological platform for low-cost, open-source, locally-assembled programmable bricks for education. Presented at the Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction TEI 2010, Cambridge, USA.


Ten Constructionists Under Construction: visions for a new age in constructionist learning (Constructionism 2010)

Blikstein, P. (2010). [Symposium organizer and chair] Ten Constructionists Under Construction: visions for a new age in constructionist learning. Symposium and plenary session presented at the Constructionism 2010 Conference, Paris, France.


An atom is known by the company it keeps: Constructing Multi-Agent Models in Engineering Education (IJCML 2009)

Blikstein, P., & Wilensky, U. (2009). An atom is known by the company it keeps: Constructing Multi-Agent Models in Engineering Education.  International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 14 (2), 81-119, Netherlands: Springer.


Implementing Multi-Agent Modeling in the Classroom: Lessons from Empirical Studies in Undergraduate Engineering Education (ICLS 2008)

Blikstein, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008). Implementing Multi-Agent Modeling in the Classroom: Lessons from Empirical Studies in Undergraduate Engineering Education. In Jacobson, M. J. (Organizer), Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and “Seeing” Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Utrecht, Netherlands.


Examining group behavior and collaboration using Agent-Based Modeling and robots (Agent 2007)

Blikstein, P., Rand, W., & Wilensky, U. (2007). Examining group behavior and collaboration using Agent-Based Modeling and robots. Agent 2007, Evanston, IL.


Classroom model, model classroom: Computer-supported methodology for investigating collaborative-learning pedagogy (CSCL 2007)

Abrahamson, D., Blikstein, P., & Wilensky, U. (2007). Classroom model, model classroom: Computer-supported methodology for investigating collaborative-learning pedagogy. In C. Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference (Vol. 8, Part 1, pp. 46 - 55). NJ: Rutgers University.

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Bifocal modeling: a framework for combining computer modeling, robotics and real-world sensing (AERA 2007)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2007). Bifocal modeling: a framework for combining computer modeling, robotics and real-world sensing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2007), Chicago, USA.


Multi-Agent Simulations as a Tool for Investigating Cognitive-Developmental Theory (AERA 2007)

Blikstein, P., Abrahansom, D. & Wilensky, U. (2007). Multi-Agent Simulations as a Tool for Investigating Cognitive-Developmental Theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2007), Chicago, USA.


Modeling Manifold Epistemological Stances with Agent-Based Computer Simulation (AERA 2007)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2007). Modeling Manifold Epistemological Stances with Agent-Based Computer Simulation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2007), Chicago, USA.


Reflections on the Feasibility of Technology as a Freirean Emancipatory Tool in Learning Environments (AERA 2007)

Blikstein, P. (2007). Reflections on the Feasibility of Technology as a Freirean Emancipatory Tool in Learning Environments. Roudtable presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2007), Chicago, USA.


Bridging the gap between neuroscience and qualitative methods: “glass boxing” computational cognitive simulation using agent-based modeling (JPS 2007)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2007). Bridging the gap between neuroscience and qualitative methods: “glass boxing” computational cognitive simulation using agent-based modeling. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS 2007), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Minsky, Mind, and Models: Juxtaposing Agent-Based Computer Simulations and Clinical-Interview Data as a Methodology for Investigating Cognitive-Developmental Theory (JPS 2006)

Blikstein, P., Abrahansom, D. & Wilensky, U. (2006). Minsky, Mind, and Models: Juxtaposing Agent-Based Computer Simulations and Clinical-Interview Data as a Methodology for Investigating Cognitive-Developmental Theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS 2006), Baltimore, USA.


A Technological Platform for Trans-Media Scientific Exploration (IDC 2006)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2006). A Technological Platform for
Trans-Media Scientific Exploration.
In Proceedings of the annual meeting of Interaction Design and Children 2006 (IDC 2006), Tampere, Finland.


Learning About Learning: Using Multi-Agent Computer Simulation to Investigate Human Cognition (ICCS 2006)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2006).Learning About Learning: Using Multi-Agent Computer Simulation to Investigate Human Cognition. Presented at the International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2006), Boston, USA, 2006.


‘Hybrid Modeling’: Advanced Scientific Investigations Linking Computer Models and Real-World Sensing (short paper) (ICLS 2006)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2006). ‘Hybrid Modeling’: Advanced Scientific Investigations Linking Computer Models and Real-World Sensing (an interactive poster). Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2006), Bloomington, USA, 2006.

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Less is More: Agent-Based Simulation as a Powerful Learning Tool in Materials Science (AAMAS 2005)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2005). Less is More: Agent-Based Simulation as a Powerful Learning Tool in Materials Science. In Proceedings of the IV International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Holland.

(email for a copy of the paper)

NetLogo: Where We Are, Where We’re Going (IDC 2005)

Blikstein, P., Abrahamson, D.., & Wilensky, U. (2005). NetLogo: Where We Are, Where We’re Going. In M. Eisenberg & A. Eisenberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2005), Boulder, Colorado.

Mixed-media learning environments (IDC 2005)

Abrahamson, D., Blikstein, P., Lamberty, K. K., & Wilensky, U. (2005). Mixed-media learning environments. In M. Eisenberg & A. Eisenberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2005), Boulder, Colorado.

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NetLogo: Where we are, where we are going

Blikstein, P., Abrahamson, D. & Wilensky, U. (2005). NetLogo: Where we are, where we are going. In M. Eisenberg & A. Eisenberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2005), Boulder, Colorado.

MaterialSim: an agent-based simulation toolkit for Materials Science learning (ICEE 2004)

Blikstein, P. & Wilensky, U. (2004) MaterialSim: an agent-based simulation toolkit for Materials Science learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education. Gainesville, Florida. Paper published at the International Conference for Engineering Education (2004).

The City that We Want: Generative Themes, Constructionist Technologies and School/Social Change (ICALT 2004)

Cavallo, D.; Blikstein, P. et al. The City that We Want: Generative Themes, Constructionist Technologies and School/Social Change. In Proceedings from the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Finland, September 2004.

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GoGo Board: Augmenting Programmable Bricks for Economically Challenged Audiences (ICLS 2004)

Sipitakiat, A., Blikstein, P. & Cavallo, D. GoGo Board: Augmenting Programmable Bricks for Economically Challenged Audiences, In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2004), Los Angeles, USA, 2004.

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God Hides in the Details: design and implementation of technology-enabled learning environments in public education (EuroLogo 2003)

Blikstein, P. & Cavallo, D. God hides in the details: design and implementation of technology-enabled learning environments in public education, in Proceedings from Eurologo 2003, Porto, Portugal, 2003.
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Technology as a Trojan Horse in School Environments:
The Emergence of the Learning Atmosphere (II) (ICL 2002)

Blikstein, P.& Cavallo, D. Technology as a Trojan Horse in School Environments: The Emergence of the Learning Atmosphere (II). In Procedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning International Workshop, Carinthia Technology Institute, Villach, Austria, 2002.

The GoGo Goard: moving towards highly available computational tools in learning environments (ICL 2002)

Sipitakiat, A.; Blikstein, P. & Cavallo, D., The GoGo Board: Moving towards highly available computational tools in learning environments, In Procedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning International Workshop, Carinthia Technology Institute, Villach, Austria, 2002.
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Technology as a Trojan Horse in School Environments (I) (Unesco SIMPLaC 2002)

Blikstein, P. & Cavallo, D. Technology as a Trojan Horse in School Environments (I). In Proceedings of the UNESCO Informatica 2002 conference, La Havana, Cuba, 2002.

Comparison between grain size from Monte Carlo simulation and Silicon Steel annealing (ABM 1999)
Finalist for the "Best Paper" award in its category

Blikstein, P.; Takanohashi, R.; Landgraf, F. J. G.; Tschiptschin, A. P. Comparação entre tamanhos de grãos obtidos por simulação pelo método de Monte Carlo e resultantes de recozimento de aço Si. In Proceedings of the 54th Conference of rge Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials Science, São P., 1999, p. 1182-1191.
Abstract and more information

Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth (II)
Journal Paper

Blikstein, P.; Tschiptschin, André P. Monte Carlo simulation of grain growth (II). Materials Research,São Carlos, v. 2, n. 3, p. 133-138, jul. 1999.
Abstract and more information
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Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth (I) (IASTED 1998)
Provost research grant awarded

Blikstein, P.; Tschiptschin, A. P. Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth (I). In proceedings of the IASTED Modeling and Simulation Conference, Acta Press, p. 359-363, USA, 1998.
Abstract and more information

Computer Simulation of Grain Growth using the Monte Carlo Method (ABM 1997)

Blikstein, P. & Tschiptschin, André P. Simulação computacional de crescimento de grão pelo método de Monte Carlo. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Materials and Metallurgy Technology, São Paulo., 1997.
Abstract and more information

Simulação computacional de crescimento de grão pelo método de Monte Carlo

Blikstein, P. & Tschiptschin, André P. Simulação computacional de crescimento de grão pelo método de Monte Carlo. In Proceedings of the Encuentro de Ingeniería de Materiales, Instituto Superior Politécnico Jose Antonio Echeverría, La Habana, Cuba, p. 314-319, 1998.
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